Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Biggest Snowman Ever

This is what the biggest snowman ever looked like! isn't that huge!

African penguin

This is the African penguin so if you thought penguins only lived in Antarctica you're wrong! Penguins live in all sorts of different places. Penguins live in South America, Africa, New Zealand, the Galapagos Islands, the coast of Peru, the Falkland Islands, the coasts of Chile and Argentina, Antarctica, the penguins of the sub-Antarctic Islands South Georgia Kergulen Island, Crozet Island, Heard Island, McDonald Island , Prince Edward Island, Macquarie Island , and Australia. Did you know that? I found this out on

Thursday, November 23, 2006

goin back to sea

Back to sea! These penguins are going back to sea. They're so popular that they even have an audience!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

party and a human to go with it

What a party and this time they invited a human but still not me! No one knows what happened to this human he or she may be trying to lure the penguins closer, sleeping, or they may have died.

penguins will protect their chicks forever

These penguin parents will protect their chick forever! I never knew what great parenting skills penguins had until I found this picture!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

penguin website

heres a penguin website I just found out about. I hope you enjoy learning about penguins!

snowmen and penguins

Do you like snowmen and penguins? Here are some cute pictures of them.Watch you step! Roof dancing!Pretty pretty! Keep your eyes ahead!

Advertisement For Another Blog

I am advertising for a blog called lego place, but to find it you have to type in

p.s. The blog has a link to a bionicle quiz to see what bionicle you are, and he has his own you can take in comments. This is who I was. (bionicle named Gali)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Nose to Nose

So cute they're finally together. Nose to nose now they'll be able to say I nose a snowman or I nose a penguin!

fuzz pop

Don't they look alike? tell me what you think. Aren't the penguins cute there just babies. We'll have to make sure that the snowmen don't burst they're bubbles!

Ice skating is the best! Poor snowman he fell. Maybe snowmen should try sleds instead of skates though.

penguin party

What a party! HEY WHY WASN'T I INVITED! These penguins are crazy they didn't even invite me there biggest fan!

about this blog

Please post!
This blog is about snowmen and penguins my favorite snow creatures! What is your favorite snow creature?


This is a classical snow man in a blizzard.It looks like its standing on ice!